Understanding your emissions:
Scope 2

A power station generating electricity, with steam drifting out of its cooling towers
Infographic highlighting Scope 2 emission sources, including electricity and steam generation

What are Scope 2 emissions?

Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions resulting from an organization’s purchased energy, such as electricity, heat and steam. Some examples of scope 2 emissions include:

  • Purchased electricity, used to power lights, machines, and heating systems
  • Steam used in industrial processes

What are the benefits of accounting for scope 2 emissions?

The benefits of accounting for scope 2 emissions are similar to those for scopes 1 and 3. They include:

A wallet with money saved

Cost savings

A fast-moving stopwatch

Operational efficiency

Stakeholders clasping hands as team mates

Stakeholder relation improvements

A customer promoting EnergyElephant to her colleagues

Customer loyalty

Since scope 2 emissions are an integral part of an organization’s footprint, accounting for them ensures a more thorough and robust review.

How do you reduce scope 2 emissions?

There are several ways to reduce your scope 2 emissions, though they may not be as straightforward as scope 1 reduction methods because scope 2 is not directly controlled by the reporting organization.

However, you can reduce energy consumption by improving the energy efficiency of your buildings and operations.

Learn more about scope 2 emissions