Reduce costs through improved energy efficiency, reduced resource consumption, and lower operating costs

EnergyElephant helps you reduce energy consumption and achieve cost savings of up to 19%.

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Illustration of a laptop with a line-chart on the screen showing cost reductions.
Illustration of a wallet, bulging with cash.
Identify Immediate Cost Savings

EnergyElephant helps you identify instant savings on your energy/utility costs based on capacity adjustments.

Illustration of a piggy bank with coins and energy tokens being put into it.
Eliminate Waste/Overspend

EnergyElephant flags penalty charges and tracks paybacks, enhancing overall cost management. It also quickly highlights areas of cost increases to allow rapid mitigation measures to be implemented.

Illustration of a plug with its cable looped around it.
Improved Energy Efficiency Reduces Costs

EnergyElephant provides access to real-time data at asset level across all facilities, to help you identify areas that need attention on any given site. Being able to take corrective action within minutes of an incident occurring leads to improved energy efficiency, reduced resource consumption, and lower operating costs.

Illustration of a hand flipping a switch to an electricity setting.
Fuel Switching

EnergyElephant can show you which energy sources are cheaper to use, such as night rate electricity versus gas.

Illustration of an invoice with a sales flash showing a percentage reduction.
Find Cheaper Suppliers

EnergyElephant’s supplier-agnostic platform checks your unit rates against competitive rates in the market based on your actual usage.

Illustration of an outstretched hand with money being taken from it and returned in a circular movement.
Avoid Losing Discounts

EnergyElephant checks to see how long your discounts last and when it's time to switch or renegotiate your contract.

“Keeping on top of the energy consumption and utility costs for a portfolio of 163 buildings is a huge challenge. EnergyElephant automatically gathers the data from the utility billing platforms and presents it in a reliable and user-friendly front end. It has helped me access data quickly and identify when consumption is going wrong. EnergyElephant are proactive with quarterly customer service calls to us. It is an excellent platform.”

“Energy management with proper energy data is well maintained with help of EnergyElephant. Dashboard with graph chart of energy effective unit cost and energy variable cost with respect to timeline provides proper information for planning on energy maintenance.”

“EnergyElephant software allows us to monitor our energy usage and costs over time and identify cost and CO2 savings. This software is really user friendly. One of the best features is its ability to identify potential cost savings. The developers constantly add new features and services which add additional value to our business.”

“Simply transfer your energy bills and it will show you how much energy you can save. Easy to set up and gave loads of highlights and added benefits. Assisted us with distinguishing a huge continuous expense saving in a couple of minutes.”

“This is a great platform where instant energy saving information can be obtained. This interface is very user friendly with a great data import facility. The customer support is excellent in this software.”

“Great way to monitor your energy costs. Exceptional customer service. Clear interface, easy to use functions, all info in one place.”

“It really helps reduce energy costs... and keep them reduced. Simple, fast and really intelligent.”